One of my favorite places to photograph, Patagonia, has unworldly landscapes and an atmosphere that brings out the most vibrant colors. We spent our time in Chilean, Patagonia, specifically Torres del Paine. How can you describe the most magical place on the planet with words? I would like to tell you how it feels to walk in the prairies with pumas and guanaco, to see hawks, flamingos, torrent ducks, owls and the majestic condors surrounded by colorful mountain peaks, but I can't put all of this into words.
The blue-hued Torres del Paine is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Paine (pronounced “PIE nay”) is an indigenous word for blue. We saw turquoise lakes, stunning blue sky, and vibrant glaciers. We were also treated to the most magnificent sunrises and sunsets and thick puffy clouds that looked like flying saucers.
We spent most of our days photographing the Puma. The Puma population is thriving in the Chilean, Patagonia because it is forbidden to hunt pumas in Chile and while there is a conflict between local farms (called “estancias”) and pumas (as a predator that occasionally attacks the local sheep), there are ongoing fabulous projects to protect pumas in places where they were once hunted. We got to see that Puma, once thought to be solitary feeders, are willing to share their kills with other puma when food supply is abundant.
Patagonia prides itself as one of the best landscape photography landmarks and I must agree. I feel my best landscape work to-date took place in this wild and magical place.
Patagonia, Chile
Let go of my Ear, Puma and Cub, Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile 2022
Petaka and Cub, Female Puma and Cub, Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile 2022
Echoes, Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile 2022
Blinka and Cub, Female Puma and Cub, Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile 2022
Stop and be Still, Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile 2022
Look Behind You, Sunrise, Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile 2022
True Love, Female Puma and Cub, Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile 2022
On Guard, Guanaco, Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile 2022